Hi Albretch,

If I'm reading your question correctly:

Why can't you set the locale for one country, the timezone for a second,
the keyboard for a third?

You can. As root or equivalent, you can reset timezone with

dpkg-reconfigure -plow tzdata

[That's the dpkg-reconfigure command, -plow to force asking low priority
questions rather than taking the default answers, and tzdata being the file
that sets the timezone.]

dpkg-reconfigure -plow console-setup

[dpkg-reconfigure -plow and then the console-setup program. That might not
be installed by default, so you might have to apt-get / apt install
console-setup which will reset the keyboard layout that you see in a
terminal - UTF-8 is usually a good choice to start with.]

dpkg-reconfigure -plow locales

will set the system wide language and spelling defaults etc. using the
locales package and allow you to switch between locales

If you want to be asked all the questions at low priority during the
install, consider using the expert install method which will ask _all_ the
questions that a standard install sets automatically - if you set your
locale to British English during the install, it will provide
England/London or GMT as options for timezone and your keyboard to British
UK layout, for example.

Live well

Andy C.

On Sat, Aug 8, 2020 at 2:12 PM Albretch Mueller <lbrt...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  On the installer it says:
>  Configure clock: if the desired time zone is not listed ...
>  Select your time zone:
> https://manjaro.site/step-by-step-install-debian-9-0-netinstall-version/install-debian-9-0-configure-clock/
>  but why can't you set up your computer as US English and be, say, in
> the Ukraine with the time from there?
>  lbrtchx

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