On Sat, Aug 08, 2020 at 06:52:22PM +0200, Marc SCHAEFER wrote:
> > > What about if you use another window-manager and/or desktop-environment?
> > 
> > I haven't tried that yet.
> I just tried twm and it says "Untitled" even with xterm -T abcd &

Oh, that is a hint: it seems xterm is failing to tell the window
manager about "its title".

To verify/falsify that, you might run xprop on your xterm window.
The property you are looking for is called WM_NAME. You can even
use xprop to /set/ the window property -- this way you can be sure
whether it's xterm who is forgetting to do the right thing (that
would be a bug to file against xterm) or it's your window manager
ignoring it.

Relevant search term for all of that is ICCCM [2]

HTH, cheers

[1] It's in the package x11-utils
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICCCM

 - t

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