
i wrote:
> > https://kernel-team.pages.debian.net/kernel-handbook/ch-common-tasks.html
> >   "generate a configuration based on the running kernel and the currently
> >    loaded modules (make localmodconfig)"

n...@dismail.de wrote:
> If you want to save yourself some trouble with localmod, start with a
> known good distribution config (like debian's) and plug in all devices
> you will ever use  before  you run make localmodconfig

Ah. That explains a lot. I had not enough RAM disks and loop devices so
that not enough kernel modules were autoloaded to be considered important
enough for my new configuration.

(A bigger warning sign than the clause "loaded" with "modules" would
 have been nice.)

> [...] /boot/config-(versioan and variant) [...]
> Copy this config to your source tree as .config.
> Then update your config with:
>   make oldconfig

Again enlightening.

(I saw a warning in .config that one should not fiddle with it by hand
 but did not provide enough wetware stack to make the link between
 "reuse an old configuration file by placing it as a .config" and
 10 lines later "Instead of nconfig one can use oldconfig".)

The Wanderer wrote:
> I've
> done similar builds directly from upstream kernel.org source many times
> via a similar methodology.

Then i know whom to ask when i try to get the changes in shape for
submission to the kernel. Afaik this procedure includes using a kernel
from the module maintainers' git.


More progress:

i wrote:
> >   $ ls -l /mnt/iso/victim
> >   -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 35424 Aug 26  1904 /mnt/iso/victim


  $ ls -l /mnt/iso/victim
  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 35424 Oct  1  2040 /mnt/iso/victim

(What a difference time64_t instead of int can make ...)


Have a nice day :)


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