local10 writes:


What would be a reasonably secure and simple way to encrypt files on Linux
and then send them to a  non-technical Windows user so she would be able
decrypt and read them?

Any ideas? Thanks

Consider 7-Zip from Debian package p7zip-full and available for Windows
syswtems: https://www.7-zip.org/

Encrypt on Linux:
$ 7z a -ptestwort -mhe=on secret.7z secret.txt

Decrypt on Windows: Double-Click or use commandline:
% 7z x -o. secret.7z

Alternatively, you could also use aescrypt
(https://www.aescrypt.com/). It is not in Debian but supports a variety of
operating systems including Linux and Windows. GPG should also run on
Windows, but is a little harder to use IMHO.


Attachment: pgpejwqiOkOJG.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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