On 30.08.20 00:01, Long Wind wrote:
[liveuser@localhost-live <mailto:liveuser@localhost-live> ~]$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=8M status=progress
14386462720 bytes (14 GB, 13 GiB) copied, 151.001 s, 95.3 MB/s
dd: error writing '/dev/sda1': No space left on device
1719+0 records in
1718+0 records out
14418915840 bytes (14 GB, 13 GiB) copied, 153.319 s, 94.0 MB/s

Unfortunately, this looks bad for your disk, because you said in another post that your disk is supposed to provide a storage space of 320 GB. But in this test only 14 GB could be written to it and then it is claimed to already have been filled completely. So, in context of another post of yours, where you say that you could install a system to a new disk mounted to that same computer, you found the problem: the supposed to be 320 GB hard disk is either broken in a very strange way, or it is even a fake disk sold to you as a fraud.

Wishing you good luck with your new disk and new installation!

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