OK, I've got a Debian computer where the system disk is showing signs of 
flakiness.  I want to replace it with a new disk and retire the old one.

Before I do it for real, I'm doing a dry-run on a vmware virtual machine.  I 
don't *think* the fact that it's virtual should affect my results.  But I put 
it out there, just incase.

Here's what I've done so far:

*) Set up a VM with one virtual SATA disc drive, and installed Buster on it.  
The system has a MBR partitioning with /boot in /dev/sda1 and the rest of the 
disk as an LVM volume-group ("tryout-vg") partition in /dev/sda5 with root, 
swap, and home as LVs.

*) Added a virtual SATA disk drive and partitioned it the same as above -- 
/dev/sdb1 is boot and /dev/sdb5 is the LVM partition.  However, in order to 
have both disks available for mounting (see below) at the same time, the new 
drive's LVM volume-group had to have a different name ("new-vg").

*) Used rsync to copy the contents of the boot, root, and home partitions from 
the original disk to the new one.

*) Modified the /etc/fstab on the new disk to reflect the names and uuid's of 
the partitions on the new disk.

*) Booted the Buster install DVD in rescue mode and ran "reinstall boot loader" 
for the new disk.

*) Rebooted and told the BIOS to boot from the new disk.  It went to the grub 
screen and proceeded to boot.

*) To my surprise, after it booted, I logged in and saw that the root, swap, 
home and boot partitions that were mounted were all from the original disk!

So what am I missing?  How do I tell grub on the new disk to use the root 
partition and volume-group on the new disk?

Thanks for any help!

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