I have a buster system with no disk, started by PXE boot and using NFS root.
It appears (details below) that dhcp setup is via ipconfig in one of the
initrd scripts (configure_networking() in the "functions" script), with
ipconfig coming from klibc.  So fiddling with the settings in dhclient.conf
on the client has no effect, and ipconfig both sends and handles a narrower
range of information than dhclient.  In particular, it doesn't send the
host name (it actually can according to the docs, but the initrd scripts
don't invoke it that way) and it seems to ignore (or at least not pass on)
some of the info, like the domain, that gets sent back.

I would like, in particular, to have the client send the host name and
respond to the usual parameters the server sends it, as well as to
ntp-servers which I'd like to send.

Any thoughts on whether my analysis is correct?  On solutions?

I suppose since it's at a fixed IP and controlled by the server I could
just set the parameters I want in the client image, but that seems like a
bit of a hack.  Also, I'd like the DNS entry for the system to appear only
while it is up, and without the client sending a host name that's harder.

BTW, I tried forcing dhclient to run by telling /etc/network/interfaces to
run it for that interface unconditionally.  The result was 2 distinct IP
addresses for the same card (may have done that before I switched to a
fixed IP).

I realize there may be good reasons to disable dhclient with nfs root; I
have no idea what would happen if the client IP were changed while the
system was running.  The client is assigned a fixed IP (outside of the
pool) in the dhcpd.conf configuration.

Using wireshark on the server shows 2 sets of calls to DHCP from the
client.  I'll give times as minutes and seconds past the hour:
28:22 initial DHCP discover.  The Vendor class identifier is
"PXEClient:Arch...."; I assume this is the BIOS of the client machine
initiating netboot.  This gets the IP and then pulls in the files that are
part of the netboot via tftp.
28:41 second DHCP discover.  Vendor class "Linux ipconfig".  This asks for
and gets the same IP as previously.  The ipconfig docs say "Linux ipconfig"
is its standard identifier, and the scripts do not override it.  So I
presume this is after control has been handed over to the initrd and it is
running its scripts.

The script's invocation of ipconfig is buried in a lot of conditional
logic, but it seems that it is called.

28:45  first entry in kernel log for that boot.  I expect the client and
server clocks are pretty close, but I don't know that's true, especially
this early in the boot.  The client CMOS battery is pretty low, and is not
great at preserving the time; however, this boot was immediately after I
did a system restart (shutdown -r now) on the client.  I believe 28:45 is
immediately after the pivot from the initrd to the real system.

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