Sorry, the Wikipedia article is Advanced Format:

On Tuesday, September 08, 2020 12:53:00 PM wrote:
> Why start the first partition at 2 MIB, why not at any multiple of 4096
> bytes that leaves room for whatever may need to be at the beginning of the
> disk (like maybe the MBR, or LILO, or ???)?
> I've seen the advice to align partitions properly by starting them at a
> multiple of 4096 bytes, and I have (I think) a reasonable understanding of
> why (based on a sketch in the Wikipedia article on advanced partitioning).
> But then I see the advice to start the first partition at 2 MiB -- why not
> at some lower multiple of 4096 while leaving room for anything that may
> need to be at the very beginning of the disk?  (I haven't found an
> explanation for that.)

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