Marco Möller writes:

> On 10.09.20 18:43, David Wright wrote:

>> So what would your version of an installer do when presented with:
>>    │  [*] Debian desktop environment │
>>    │  [ ] ... GNOME                  │
>>    │  [ ] ... Xfce                   │
>>    │  [ ] ... KDE                    │
>>    │  [ ] ... Cinnamon               │
>>    │  [ ] ... MATE                   │
>>    │  [ ] ... LXDE                   │

> I agree with Richard's criticism and would suggest to not present that
> first line "Debian desktop environment" at all, because it is
> redundant with the second line "... GNOME". If someone deselects the
> second line because no wanting GNOME, but does not image what the
> first line might contain, then he will be surprised that GNOME became
> anyway fully installed after the first line was still selected, a
> behaviour which makes no sense after the second line was explicitly
> not selected. It is especially annoying if you did this selection
> "mistake" on slow or expensive bandwidth. When I first time did this
> mistake, I thought, hey, maybe for a desktop they will install already
> something like network manager and other network managing tools or a
> tiny collection of enhanced editors like vim instead of vi only, maybe
> some other cute utilities. But I ended up with looong time downloading
> and installing a full blown GNOME which I actually wanted to avoid and
> therefore did unselect the second line initially.
> Best regards, Marco.

I've also been bitten by this.  I think it is a UI issue, the options
are ambiguous.  Would it be possible to simply change the dialog box as
follows?  --

  Debian desktop environments:
  [ ] ... GNOME (default)
  [ ] ... Xfce
  [ ] ... KDE
  [ ] ... Cinnamon
  [ ] ... MATE
  [ ] ... LXDE

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