I too have been using Debian for over a decade, and I've come to rely on it, so 
I hear your concern at having to "switch" to something new.  But I don't think 
Devuan is really all that "new".  

 For almost two years I've had Devuan ascii with mate desktop in a VM that I 
use daily for a variety of jobs.  I did it originally as a lark, but over the 
months, I've come to rely on it.   I'm not a developer, so I'm not tuned to the 
gory details, but from a user point of view, Devuan might as well be Debian -- 
but without the need for systemd.

The only reason I haven't upgraded to beowulf is sheer laziness.  But all this 
talk has gotten me inspired.  I'm definitely planning to upgrade to beowulf 
soon now.

I recommend it!

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