On 9/17/2020 10:14 AM, Hans wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 17. September 2020, 17:01:29 CEST schrieb Joe:
Hi Joe,

yes I know, this is normal for unstable. I am using debian/testing, which is
close to unstable.

The point of my message was not the deinstallation of packages at all, but the
deinstallation of packages which are still usefull for people without a
substitute or a substitude with the same ease as the uninstalled package.

If a package is deprecated, no longer maintained, there is not much to be done. It sucks, I know very well, but what do you suggest?

A very good example: SSMTP. It was a great package. It was simple (as the name suggests) and very straightforward. The replacement? MSMTP. It is extremely difficult to get the package to work properly and it is very buggy.

Think of people, they do an upgrade after 2 years (or earlier) and their
applications are gone.

Yeah. It sucks. Even worse, many of the packages that do have "upgrades" are vastly inferior to the prior version. Again, what do you suggest?

Might be ok for experienced people (who are experienced
in the console)

        No, it sucks.  Experience with anything notwithstanding.

but this is not ok for people, who NEED graphical

I submit people wjp "need" graphicalinterfaces should not be attempting to use a computer, especially not at the expense of those of us who have no use for a graphical interface.

easy to use tools.

The terms "graphical" and "easy to use" are an oxymoron. The terms "uncceptably limited", "often impossible to use", and "graphical" are much more in line with one another.

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