Dear linuxers,

I've a server and one of my students is getting a wrong fingerprint when
trying to connect via SSH.

After a lot of debug, we are still unable to pinpoint why.

The server didn't change IP or keys, and other students still log in ok
with the correct fingerprint. Just one student, let's call him Bob (because
why not), is not getting through.

I've asked Bob to try a different machine, which he does not have, being a
poor student. But he had a mobile, so after trying the app juiceSSH and
wifi on, he again got the wrong fingerprint.

I asked him to turn the wifi off for the mobile and yes, he got the correct

I also asked him to run a full antivirus scan in his notebook (windows) and
nothing was found.

He also hard-reseted the router, still the problem continues.

He called the ISP for any clues, but it is a small company who doesn't know
the word "fingerprint" neither in english nor in their native language. So,
not much help there.

I also asked him to check if his IP is what he think it is, and he checked
with one of these "what is my IP" website and it is ok.

As for DNS, I asked him to try to ssh directly using the server's IP
instead of the name, but still the wrong fingerprint.

Kinda crazy, right? I run out of ideas...

What else should I try to help that student?


Dr Beco
A.I. researcher

"I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant" -- Alan Greenspan

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