From: Reco <>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 10:49:52 +0300
> A quick look at linphone's source reveals that it should be sqlite,
> version 3. BTW there's file(1) that could tell you the same:
> file -sL ~/.linphone-friends.db

OK, thanks.

> Install sqlite3, point it to your .linphone-friends.db, execute:
> select * from friends;

Thanks for that also.  

For others who might be interested, a few observations. is more complete than the manual.  =8~)

"man sqlite3" and the Web page list meta-commands, also referred to as 
dot-commands. Statements are mentioned but not listed.  

>From the manual,
.schema ?PATTERN?  Show the CREATE statements matching PATTERN

.schema seems to list statements.  ".schema main.*" gives some 
unformatted output. I don't get the question marks.  Delimiters?  
Regular expressionese?

Found all I need from linphone contacts.  Thanks,             ... P.

Tel: +1 604 670 0140            Bcc: peter at easthope. ca

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