On 22/09/2020 00:38, Britton Kerin wrote:
> I'm using ssh from a debian box to a rasberry pi (sorta debian also :).
> For some reason ssh sessions seem to time out pretty quickly.  I've
> tried setting ClientAliveInterval and ClientAliveCountMax and also
> ServerAliveInterval  and ServerAliveCountMax, but it doesn't seem to
> make any difference.  Is there some other setting somewhere that
> affects this?

Have a look at the environmental variable TMOUT. From the bash manpage:

      TMOUT  If set to a value greater than zero, TMOUT is treated as
the default timeout for the read builtin.  The select command terminates
if input does not arrive after TMOUT seconds when input is coming from a
terminal.  In  an interactive  shell,  the  value  is interpreted as the
number of seconds to wait for a line of input after issuing the primary
prompt.  Bash terminates after waiting for that number of seconds if a
complete line of input does not arrive.

> Thanks,
> Britton

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