Albretch Mueller wrote: 
> On 9/24/20, Sven Hartge <> wrote:
> > Why do you think you need to do this? What do you hope to achieve by
> > doing this?
>  I have losts of (not necessarily all) text files (say in the 10 of
> thousands) in various directories which I need to process in a batch,
> but before I do that I want to make sure that I get a baseline of the
> source files. I use:
>  a)  crc
>  b)  md5sum
>  c) sha###sum
>  because those are three different checksum utilities based on
> different algorithms which work fast enough and offer a set signatures
> which are good enough.
>  My thinking may (once again) be a bit unhinged, but I would use,
> e.g., crc because it internatlly used by rsync, which I also use in my
> code.
>  So, how do you think I can improve my baselining of the source files?

If you want to defend against on-disk corruption, use ZFS.

If you want to be alerted to every change to a set of files, use
tripwire or aide. Both are packaged for Debian.

If you want to make sure that a directory full of files doesn't
change during processing, remove your write privileges for that
directory. "sudo chmod a-w DIRECTORY" will do that.

If you want to make sure of the previous case but you are going
to run a process that runs as root and you aren't sure it won't
assign itself write privileges, "sudo chattr +i DIRECTORY" will
make it immutable.

Don't reinvent the wheel.


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