Hello Phillip,

I'm not sure if I understood your problem correctly, but I'll try :-) 
See below.

Am Donnerstag, 24. September 2020 schrieb Philipp Ewald:
> Hello,
> maybe i found a bug in courier.
> courier crash's when a E-Mail address contains "–" (EN DASH)
This does not seem to be a dash                  ^^^

I think that could be a character which is not allowed for email 
addresses. It looks like a long hyphen which I get on a german keyboard 
layout with "AltGr + -".

> traps: courieresmtp[36082] general protection
> mail.log:
> courieresmtp: Crashed child process 41684, while delivering to
> When i try to send a mail to DO–MAIN.TLD via thunderbird (smtp server
> is the same) or something else Server report: No such domain (replace
> DO–MAIN.TLD with a real domain containing normal "-")

This I understand as the server saying: "don't use '–' (long hyphen) 
but '-' (dash) instead.

> tested with:
> cat /some/mail/content | sendmail user@do(echo -e "\0\x96"| tr -d
> "\0")main.tld

Sorry, I don't understand where you get that "–" (long hyphen) from, 
maybe some HTML-formatted emails?!

> is this a bug from courier? debian? maildrop?
> kind regards
> Philipp


Kind regards,

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