Linux-Fan writes:

Hello fellow list users,

I am constantly needing more computation power, RAM and HDD storage such
that I have finally decided to buy a server for my next "workstation". The


* Of course, if there are any other comments, I am happy to hear them, too.

  I am looking into all options although a fully self-built system is
  probably too much. I once tried to (only) get a decent PC case and failed
  at it... I can only imagine it being worse for rackmount PC cases and
  creating a complete system composed of individual parts?

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to thank everyone for the great replies they sent!
I now know some additional things to consider and even got some progress on the unrelated e-mail signatures problem.

Still unsure where I will end up with this, but if interested, I could post the actual results from my journey once I got the hardware. It will take some time, for sure, but probably happen before next year :)

Thanks again

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