On Saturday 03 October 2020 08:56:33 Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 03, 2020 at 04:27:08AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > The computer is controlling high powered machinery. Having the
> > screen locker kick in, disabling our access to the application until
> > we have wasted a minute typing on a poor keyboard trying to log back
> > in can be quite dangerous when the machine has a runaway. Anything
> > we do with xset is overridden before the 10 minute timeout is done.
> Gene,
> You've been asking similar questions for years on various of the
> Debian lists - - real time kernel, how to do things on Raspberry Pi,
> generically on ARM ...
> Yours is a niche case: not many of us have lathes hooked up to Linux
> boxes.

I think you miss-count us, Andrew. There are, I would estimate well over 
1000 world wide users of LinuxCNC, but most are more mechanics than code 
carvers.  They rarely show up on a mailing list, bugging the vendor that 
sold them the package, having bought a software package for a sizeable 
yearly seat fee because it makes them money in their shops. But while 
they may make heavy use of those code generators, they are feeding that 
output into linuxcnc about 25% of the time.  There are of course 
commercial machine control packages, but they can run into the 5th 
digit, and most are frozen in the 1970's for features we've been doing 
better for many years. They are stuck at 4 axises, we've been doing 9 
for decades. At one time it was ITAR software, because it could carve a 
submarine screw that didn't cavitate but Hitachi-America shipped it on a 
machine that found its way to china, and now the whole world knows how 
to machine quiet screws for their submarines.  Horse out of the barn, 
hitachi got a wrist slap, and we were taken off the ITAR list.

> Have you considered not using a desktop environment at all rather than
> trying to expect the rest of us to run through problems we don't
> understand? We're not being collectively unintelligent but this would
> be easier if we could all get to one topic at a time :)

> > Some of us like xfce4, please advise how to permanently disable
> > lightdm and its light-locker. _Forever_. We do know how to turn off
> > the monitor at the end of the day.
> As suggested elsewhere : remove lightdm. Maybe work out just which
> programs you _must_ run and strip down a desktop environment / an X
> environment to just run that stuff. That might  take time - and you
> might not be able to get down to nothing extraneous but it would be a
> start. Pencil, paper and a plan splitting things down to single steps
> or areas of concern might help significantly here and elsewhere.

But that also limits what the machine can otherwise do. I have cat6 to 
every machine and every machine can look up what I need to know on the 
net. I wouldn't have it any other way, but then I am also a hobbyist in 
my dotage.  Retired from a tv Chief Engineer's chair I warmed for 18 
years, and workbench as a CET, but still keeping the local radio station 
on the air.

> All the best
> Andy C.

Than you Andy C, and have a virtual near beer with me tomorrow as I 
celebrate the 86th. Diabetics aren't supposed to drink the real stuff.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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