
On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 01:48:48PM -0400, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> On Sun, 2020-10-11 at 19:47 +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
> > "Percentage Used Endurance Indicator"
> Where do you see that?

Usually a SMART attribute like "233 Media Wearout Indicator" or if
that isn't available devices often have "241 Total_LBAs_Written"
which can be compared¹ against published write endurance

Sometimes the devices also have a proprietary tool for getting this
information, though in the majority of cases all this is doing is
parsing SMART attributes.


¹ Though with some care: devices vary on what they consider a
  logical block size to be; also due to internal merging and cell
  erasure, a logical write doesn't necessarily match to a flash

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