Here I've been sailing along blissfully unaware that when on those rare occasions I execute su in a terminal, say to tweak my exim4 config, that I had a pretty much useless PATH in the env after su-ing:


So I could not, say, execute 'service exim4 restart'. (But systemctl was available because /bin was in PATH.)

The above-mentioned blissful unawareness fostered my delusion that 'su' in bash loaded the contents of /etc/profile.

But enough about me. Obviously my login process is hosed somewhere, no doubt the result of years of bringing this box along to its current buster status.

Thoughts? All suggestions will be much appreciated. (I can even accept a bit of abuse if that is required of me.)

Thank you.

 A test of right and wrong must be the means, one would
 think, of ascertaining what is right or wrong, and not a
 consequence of having already ascertained it.

                                  J. S. Mill

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