On Mon, 26 Oct 2020 12:08:11 +0000
Mick Ab <recoverymail123...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A USB memory stick has been plugged into a USB 3 port for quite a few
> days. The stick was left there after it was discovered that the
> kernel does not recognise it (e.g. fdisk - l does not show the stick).
> It was decided to unplug the stick. Subsequently the command
> cat  /var/log/messages was run and the messages revealed that just
> before the stick was unplugged, the kernel suddenly found the stick
> and automatically mounted it to /media/usb0. While the stick was being
> unplugged, the system performed a 'lazy' unmount from /media/usb0.
> The stick was later plugged back into the USB 3 port and the dmesg
> command issued. The dmesg messages revealed that the stick was
> probably corrupted due to the lazy unmount.
> My question is :-
> Why did the kernel suddenly find the stick and automatically mount it
> just before the stick was unplugged ?

When you say 'just before', are you talking milliseconds or minutes?

USB 'plugs' are appalling, and I've known sticks to be unrecognised, but
found after wiggling the device slightly.


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