On 2020-10-27 13:08, songbird wrote:
well, yesterday finally became the day when i tried to
see if i could get the old getmail to be left alone, but
nope, none of the options worked.

  the good news, is that getmail6 is in unstable and was
a drop in replacement for getmail.  there's a bit of an
odd message coming out of it but that's not an error and
everything is ending up where it should.

  during all of this fiddling i was wondering if the
python2 to python3 transition was complete enough that
i could run all my programs that i use and it all works
just fine.  so i installed python-is-python3 and the
system rebooted and none of things i use the most have
failed.  that's all i need from a system (browswer, e-mail,
usenet, gimp, go, libreoffice).  i've never done much
with python2 and the game i wrote was python3 so that's
all to the good.

  this was just a quick heads-up for those who are stuck
on getmail like i am (and quite happy with it).  :)

as far as getmail goes maintainer thinks is an unnecessary panic.

""getmail goes out of official support by my distro" may be a theoretical problem, or a philosophical one, but it it certainly is not a significant practical problem. Keep a Python 2 binary around, download getmail, untar it, and run it right out of the directory - that's literally all that's required."

what exactly the python 2 binary is I haven't had need to look as yet.


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