songbird wrote:
> > Dear Colleagues,
> >
> > As a person with the FreeBSD background, I'm used to building my own
> > packages with the exact build options I need (those include exim, nginx,
> > samba, clamav and many others). FreeBSD has a good infrastructure for
> > this (ports tree, poudriere et al.)
> >
> > Where can I learn to do a similar thing for Debian? I'd like to have my
> > own package repository which:
> >
> > 1. Keeps my local patches and configure/build options.
> > 2. Gets updated and recompiled when the main Debian repository gets updated.
> > 3. Can have a higher preference for my Debian systems than the default Debi=
> > an repositories.
> >
> > I know this can be done because I use some vendor repositories (zabbix,
> > consul etc) but I need the tools and knowledge.
> >
> > What would you advise me to read?
>   there is a ton of information under:

The problem is I don't need a ton of information :-) I need to hear from
someone who has already done that for themselves: "I use such and such
tools, and publish my repo this way..."

>   what you want is possible, but it really gets harder
> or easier if the package you are interested in is already
> done by someone else, then you can just get the source
> code for yourself that has already had most of the work
> done to it up to whatever standards the debian packager
> has and you can go from there.  the other aspect is if
> the package is required or not so you can't remove it
> without removing a lot of other things.  if it is a leaf
> package or one that can be somewhat self-contained then
> you can just remove the debian version and put your own
> in the place and set up a watch on the repository to
> see when changes happen.

I have no doubt there are many such tricky things, that's why I'm
looking for a tutorial.

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN

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