Graham Bull wrote: 
> I've been using wondershaper on Debian Stable for the past couple of years
> and it's been excellent.
> I got a new pc recently with modern hardware and thus I installed Debian
> Testing on it.
> I've noticed when I set the same rules within wondershaper on Stable and
> Testing, I get different behavior.
> Stable acts as expected, low latency and able to hit the limits set.
> Testing suffers a lot of latency and I'm only able to reach a fraction of
> the limit set.
> When I remove the wondershaper rules everything works as expected (I can
> max my internet connection on both computers).
> I've determined Stable and Testing use the same version of
> wondershaper=1.1a-10.
> Wondershaper has one dependency:
> Stable: iproute2=4.20.0-2
> Testing: iproute2=5.9.0-1
> iproute2 has around 8 dependencies.
> At this point I'm confused about how I should proceed with debugging my
> issue.
> Any advice of how to collect more info for debugging purposes or how to
> proceed would be very much appreciated!

At this point, you might be better served by simply switching to
fq_codel, unless you have a particularly odd network connection.

In my /etc/network/interfaces on the firewall:
    up tc qdisc replace dev eth3 root fq_codel

Wondershaper itself changed a lot after the 1.1 version that Debian
packages; you might want to ping the nominal maintainer and see
if they want to upgrade to 1.4.blah -- or, given the
availability of fq_codel, just drop the package.


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