On Mon, 23 Nov 2020 13:21:25 +1100
Keith Bainbridge <ke1thozgro...@gmx.com> wrote:

> Good afternon All
> I was interested to read that Flo, the OP, uses separate mail
> collection, sendmail and thunderbird. Some of the replies sound like
> this is a common practice.
> What are the advantages of this set of processes over letting tbird do
> it all? - or any other client for that matter?

As far as I know, TB isn't an MTA, it can send email only as a client
to an MTA somewhere else. So it's not doing it all.

A lot depends how you want to send and receive emails. If you're using
an external email service, you can get away with just an email client,
or even use webmail. If you're sending and receiving yourself, you'll
need an MTA and an email distribution method such as POP3 or IMAP, as
well as clients on any devices you have. If you're also collecting
email from an external service, you'll need an email collector such as
fetchmail or procmail, to keep all email centrally stored. 
> Would it save me from my fairly regular 'can't find profile' errors?
> Thanks

Don't know, I gave up TB for Claws-mail long ago, TB was just too
painfully slow.

> PS  Am I wrong to avoid 'everyting in 1 file' where possible (mail dir
> rather than mbox in this case)? OK this is probably a whole separate
> topic.

As I've posted elsewhere, I have about 3GB of email. I would not
consider putting that in one file.


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