On Sat, 28 Nov 2020 03:08:41 +0000
Kanito 73 <kanit...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
> I have up and running two dual boot LINUX (Debian 10) and WINDOWS 10
> machines and want to connect them to be able to work without spending
> time copying files from/to on a usb device, have multiple copies of a
> same file, etc.
> I may need to copy from Linux to Windows, sometimes from Windows to
> Linux, other ones from Linux to Linux, and so... Would you recommend
> me to use SAMBA for all of that? All data partitions are NTFS and
> there's no need to set permissions since all data are audio, video,
> image and document files and the only user is me.
> At first I thought to use both SAMBA for LINUX-WINDOWS and maybe NFS
> for LINUX-LINUX but I used NFS long time ago and it was slow as a
> turtle. Is there another networking service available that runs
> faster only for LINUX-LINUX or it is better to use SAMBA for
> everything_
> Good nite all 🙂

The general rule is that if Windows is involved, use Samba for
everything. It can be a bit tricky to get more than one version of
Windows working with the same Samba configuration, but you don't have
that problem.


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