On 12/12/20 8:34 am, Paul M Foster wrote:
I made various minor changes (like changing the mount to /music) and now
the problem appears to be resolved. As is sometimes the case, the
problem gets solved without you knowing how you solved it.

Perhaps the restart of samba?   Or do you mean you re-named tthe mount
point on the mac?

Pleased it's solved.

For what it's worth, I drafted this last night but couldn't send it -
kicking self as I knew most of you would be active whilst I was asleep:

This article seems to confirm my thought that macOS supports sshfs:


I'm sure it does nfs if you prefer.

It's been ages since I used samba, but I recall that users needed a
smbpasswd set. I see you have no passwd, but I'm not sure that cuts it.

Another suggestion: try mounting the 'music' partition somewhere else on
your Pi, and maybe give it a userid and groupid at fstab. And maybe add
your wife to that group?

Anyhow, there are lots of other suggestions now, and you have it
working, so what the heck.

I just finished my morning coffee, it's Saturday and te sun is shining I
a clear sky. It can only get better. Ah, I've got only 3 family
birthdays between now and Christmas.

Keith Bainbridge


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