On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 2:01 AM deloptes <delop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Keith Christian wrote:

> When installed in Debian it does not have password (AFAIR). It is sufficient
> to execute "mysql -u root -p" and press ENTER to log in. You then change
> the password.

> Regarding --skip-grant-tables I used this just last week to reset a root
> password for a customer.
> It seems there are two different methods depending on what version you use.

> Could be that you have something on the network side? From which host do you
> log in?

> So
>         mysql -u mediawiki -p -h localhost
> is not working as well?

> CREATE USER 'mediawiki'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxxxxxxxxx';
> GRANT Select ,Insert ,Update ,Delete ,Create ,Drop , Index ,Alter  ON
> mediawiki.* TO 'mediawiki'@'localhost';
> flush privileges;


I will try the login method and 'grant' as you suggest above.
The database is on the same host, I should have mentioned that, and I
see now that the setup for MariaDB has changed from when I last
installed a mediawiki instance under Debian.

Thanks for the info!

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