On Tue, Dec 29, 2020, 6:49 PM Brendon Higgins <bren...@quantumfurball.net>

> ....
> After some more searching I figured out what the difference was: the
> "Loopback Mixing" setting in alsamixer. It's apparently disabled by
> default, but for some reason mine had migrated to enabled. Enabling it
> seems to dictate that headphone levels are controlled through the
> "Speaker+LO" channel instead of
> the "Headphone" channel. Setting it back to disabled, and things are now
> back to normal. Mystery solved!

Well thanks Brendon. That started mysteriously for me a couple years ago
too. But I shrugged and used the CentOS 7 machine where it worked fine. The
CentOS downer was that it required closed drivers for my BMC network chip.
Some days I feel like Papa Bear :-)

> Brendon

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