On 10-01-2021 22:44, Peter Ehlert wrote:
> On 1/9/21 5:04 PM, John Hasler wrote:
>> Carl Fink writes:
>>> I'm repeating the recommendation I've seen on this very list for
>>> decades.
>> It is an incorrect recommendation.  Upgrading works well and is
>> supported and recommended by Debian.
> sometimes, but not always. I prefer Reinstall, it's painless
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianUpgrade
> "Performing a release upgrade is not without risk. The upgrade may
> fail, leaving the system in a non-functioning state. USERS SHOULD
> BACKUP ALL DATA before attempting a release upgrade"
Crossing the road is not without risk.
Reinstalling, is not without risk.
Neither is an upgrade.
In any case, there are protocols to observe and, that done, there's
little to fear.
I haven't had trouble for years.
Edit /etc/apt/sources.list
And you're home and hosed.

Unless you're running a server, it's a good idea to be running SID, and
then you don't have to worry about it anyway.
`We'll know our disinformation program is complete when
 everything the American public believes is false'.
 -- William Casey, CIA Director (first staff meeting, 1981)

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