Let's say I want to run 'testing' to be more on the edge to get the latest and 
greatest of packages and to incrementally always be on top of updates rather 
than having to do large release updates.  But from time to time there is a 
security update to a package which is newer, or if something specific is 
broken, I may want to go back to a specific version of something.  What should 
I put in my sources.list?

I read all the argments here for running stable vs sid and I kind of like being 
in the middle.  I update my systems every few weeks or more if necessary.  I 
used to run stable+backports but there were things that just took ages to get 
into backports, or never made it into backports, but installing them from 
testing would suck in so many dependencies that I would end up running testing 
or some weird hybrid.  I am considering changing things around though and going 
back to running stable + backports and occasionally pulling something in from 
testing but I am not sure yet, the dependency nightmare still looms in my mind. 
 Honestly I have been running testing for about 10 years now in production and 
have had very few problems.

As I read about this, it seems like it's not going to be possible to run 
testing and pull in security fixes.  Is it correct that security fixes can only 
be applied to stable releases?

Or are the backports now so well up to date with testing that I shouldn't worry 
about this and move back to a stable release?

Michael Grant

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