On 2021-01-24 20:10, David Christensen wrote:
On 2021-01-24 03:36, mick crane wrote:

Let's say I have one PC and 2 unpartitioned disks.

Please tell us why you must put the OS and the backup images on the
same RAID mirror of two HDD's, and why you cannot add one (or two?)
more devices for the OS.


I think I'll go with the first and last suggestion to just have 2 disks in raid1. It seems that properly you'd want 2 disks in raid for the OS, 2 at least for the pool and maybe 1 for the cache.
Don't have anything big enough I could put 5 disks in.
I could probably get 3 disks in. Install the OS on one and then dd that to another and put that in a drawer and have another 2 disks as the zfs pool. I might have a fiddle about and see what goes on.

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