On Fri 29 Jan 2021 at 09:59:37 (+0800), Robbi Nespu wrote:
> I am curious something (as per title). I not sure whether to ask here
> or on devel mail list.
> Yesterday on OFTC #debian, some guy ask about unfix CVE-2020-25681 to
> CVE-2020-25687 for dnsmasq[1] package on stable release.
> I not using dnsmasq but I curious how and will it be backport to
> stable on cases like this?
> Stable = 2.80-1 (vulnerable)
> Testing = 2.83-1 (fix)
> Unstable = 2.84-1 (fix)
> There is 2 revision gap between stable and testing, do the security
> team will apply the fixes on 2.80-1 or will update the package rev up
> to 2.83-1?
> 1. https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/source-package/dnsmasq

is a timely example of how Debian deals with such problems.
Note in particular the line

 stretch (security) 1.8.19p1-2.1+deb9u3 fixed

showing that stretch's version gets a fix, not an upgrade.


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