On Sat, Feb 06, 2021 at 02:29:08AM -0800, John Conover wrote:
> A wireless router made with hostapd/dnsmasq/dhcpcd is fairly easy, and
> works well with iptables, with one shortcoming.
> After antagonizing the Google for hours, I can not find any way to add
> reserved IPs based on the the MAC address of devices connected on
> wlan0, (presumably in dhcpcd.conf.) Seems kind of a simple oversight
> for a wireless AP.
> Am I correct in my assumption?

I think the jargon is "DHCP reservation" or thereabouts. Do these ([1],
[2]) fit your quest?

And oh, BTW. Don't antagonize Google. They don't love you (besides, they
don't make for good neighbours, but I disgress). My search provider just
gave me those results in exchange for a moderate amount of effort (~15

Cheers :)


 - t

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