On 2021-02-08 15:15, David Wright wrote:
On Mon 08 Feb 2021 at 13:02:21 (-0800), David Christensen wrote:
On 2021-02-08 00:40, Marco Möller wrote:

You could bypass any password request during boot to the console
and then fix it by setting the desired password newly. The boot
parameter for bypassing all password request an right away
becoming logged in as user root is:
      init=/sbin/sulogin --force

That is interesting.  But, how does the reader *use* that information[?] ...

Booting a Stretch system, I see a menu:

     GNU GRUB  version 2.02~beta3-5+deb9u2

     *Debian GNU/Linux
      Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux

If I press 'e', it (GRUB?) appears to bring up an editor window that
contains a bunch of content that looks relevant.  The last few lines

     echo        'Loading Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 ...'
     linux       /vmlinuz-4.9.0-9-amd64 root=UUID=... ro noresume
     echo        'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
     initrd      /initrd.img-4.9.0-9-amd64

… and that's the menu version of the commands outlined in 5.3.2.

Yes, [add the suggested parameters]to the linux line: it's a kernel parameter.

Where is this documented?

I always go to


(where v4.15 could be different).

     init=           [KNL]
       Format: <full_path>
       Run specified binary instead of /sbin/init as init process.

where KNL confirms it's a Kernel parameter. The introduction shows:

     BUGS=   Relates to possible processor bugs on the said processor.
     KNL     Is a kernel start-up parameter.
     BOOT    Is a boot loader parameter.

Thank you for the information.  :-)

But, it still does not answer the question -- how does the reader *use* the suggested "boot parameter"?

My WAG (untested):

1.  Power up the computer.

2.  The GRUB menu should be displayed:

        *Debian GNU/Linux
         Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux

3. Press the down arrow key to highlight "Advanced options for Debian GNU/Linux". Press <Enter> to select it.

4. A second GRUB menu should be displayed (the OP should have a newer kernel):

        *Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64
         Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 (recovery mode)

5. Press the down arrow key to select the "... (recovery mode)" boot entry. Press 'e' to edit it.

6. The GRUB editor should start and display the contents of the selected boot entry. Look for the line that begins with 'linux'. Use the cursor keys to move the insertion point to the end of that line and add the following kernel boot parameters:

        init=/sbin/sulogin --force

7.  "Press Ctrl+x or F10 to boot".

Is the above correct?


1. How do I make a copy of a boot entry? (So that I can edit the copy and keep the original.)

2. How do I insert a tab character with the GRUB editor? (Pressing <Tab> causes the editor to attempt command completion.)

3. Will changes made to a boot entry with the GRUB editor persist for subsequent boots?


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