On Tue 23 Feb 2021 at 09:38:08 (+0100), Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> every morning, ls /usr/bin/pulseaudio gives:
>     ls: cannot access '/usr/bin/pulseaudio': No such file or directory
> and I must issue "aptitude reinstall pulseaudio" I plan to put the ls
> command every minute to find when it disappears,
> unless somebody can give me an axplanation (and a fix...)

When did this start to happen?
    . for years?
    . since installation?

Is this buster?

Are you running any applications, particularly those involving sound,
as root, particularly in response to some previous problem?

Is it just that binary that goes missing, or does apt/dpkg actually
show that the entire package is uninstalled?

The pulseaudio package contains about 216 files. Have they all gone,
or just the one binary? (Run   $ dpkg -L pulseaudio   to list them.)


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