I found out a nice solution (thanks David Wright for the hint!), simply:

1. download and save the firmware to root of our debian installer USB
2. Boot USB
3. Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to spawn busybox terminal
4. execute this command

        # /bin/mountmedia
        # cp -ir /media/YOUR_FIRMWARE_FILE_HERE.ucode /lib/firmware
        # /bin/unmount
        # exit

5. Press Ctrl+Alt+F5 to continue GUI installation..and surprise! Debian installer driver will load the firmware, so you can use WIFI and continue installation process


P/s : Thus "unmount" script is to release our USB media and let debian installer mount it later automatically, if you forgot to umount, this trick won't worked. All of this script is standard, no need to customize the installer.
Email : Robbi Nespu <robbinespu AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>
PGP fingerprint : D311 B5FF EEE6 0BE8 9C91 FA9E 0C81 FA30 3B3A 80BA
PGP key : https://keybase.io/robbinespu/pgp_keys.asc

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