On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 20:56:34 +1100
David <bouncingc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> However I am unsure why this was asked for.
> If you are not already using LVM [1] on your system
> then I would expect the 'lvs' command output to be blank.

M. Ozlem's original questions was, could one add another disk to a
debian system. Someone suggested using LVM. Someone else asked for the
output of the command

sudo lvs

M. Ozlem has had problems finding lvs in order to run it.

My guess is that M. Ozlem is fairly new at Linux/Unix, and missed
several cues most of us would have picked up on. One of them is that if
the lvm2 package isn't installed, M. Ozlem would get a complaint that
his OS couldn't find it. That complaint would tell most of us that he
didn't have LVM installed, and therefore using LVM to expand his system
would be problematic, probably requiring re-installation.

M. Ozlem didn't report this complaint, but instead asked which package
it was in, which started this side-line of emails. I replied with the
output of apt-file indicating the package M. Ozlem would have to
install in order to get the program lvs. I made the mistake of figuring
that M. Ozlem would read closely the output I provided.

I also made the mistake of figuring that getting lvs installed would
help solve the problem. I later realized that getting lvs installed
would be irrelevant: the fact that it is not installed tells us what
we needed to know: M. Ozlem isn't running LVM, so the solution to the
problem is not simply to expand the current volume group (VG) onto the
new hard drive. There is no current VG to expand.

So where do we go from here?

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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