On 3/3/21 6:43 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:
Or, get Internet service that includes a modem/ gateway with an Ethernet
port.  This is probably the best answer in the long run.
Unless that modem/gateway is under the control of the ISP, in which case
you're fundamentally inviting your ISP onto your local network, IOW into
your private home.
[ Tho, of course, you can probably arrange to confine that "local
    network" such that it's only connected to a single other machine which
    you do control and which you use as your own local router.  ]
So, you designed, built, and programmed your "single other machine" using
machines that you designed, built, and programmed; which in turn you
designed, built, and programmed using machines that you designed, built, and
programmed; etc.; all sourced from raw materials?

I didn't say "built by the ISP" but "under the control of the ISP".

IOW "who can administer".

Of course, there can also be issues of trust about the underlying
software, hardware or what not, but if the ISP has administrative
access then there's no need to dig any further.



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