On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 10:24:25AM +0100, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> And oh, please: drop those whitespaces off file and directory names. This
> makes teaching shell scripting to newbies a really #@%*&$ยก~ chore. Unless
> you want newbies to not learn scripting [1].
> Cheers
> [1] The generic "you". You (this time the personal) are the last person
>    I would suspect of this!

On the other hand, newbies who fail to learn proper shell scripting
practices go on to write terrible, horrible, bug-ridden shell scripts
that get installed on your[1] computer, and then break.

The notion that "all filenames are alphanumeric plus dots, and maybe
dashes or underscores if you're a rebel" leads to scripts that break
when given the more typical messy filenames that one encounters in
real life.  Sure, it's easy to write those scripts, but they're not
correct.  They're ticking bombs.

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