
Thanks for the reply.

> In this case QEMU uses built-in DHCP server to provide 10.0.2/24 network
> to the guest OS. If you need another network it should be changed in
> QEMU's commandline.

Thanks.  I'm trying to set a _static_ address for the guest. 

All the QEMU documentation I've found focusses on DHCP. Imagine the 
guest system tries to set a static address and QEMU offers DHCP. Seems 
unlikely to succeed.  Should be a way to configure qemu to provide a 
subnet to the guest on an interface with a static address.  (?)

> Of course, as it's not a point-to-point connection. 

Yes, but a stanza in /etc/network/interfaces refers to an interface 
name. The Debian 10 here for example, includes interface 
enx0050b60be9be which is used for a subnet.  

To make a valid stanza for the qemu guest an interface name is 
essential.  Either qemu must invent a name or the qemu configuration 
will have to specify it.  Another detail I haven't found in the 

Thanks,                    ... P.

cell: +1 236 464 1479            Bcc: peter at easthope. ca
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