El jue, 11 mar 2021 a las 13:31, The Wanderer (<wande...@fastmail.fm>) escribió:
> For myself, that wouldn't bother me at all. I've seen attribution lines
> in less-recognizable languages, and since all the key information is
> still there and can be parsed with reasonably minimal effort, it serves
> the purpose just fine.
> I'd certainly prefer attribution lines like that than a complete lack of
> attribution, or ones with less information, in any case.

 El jue, 11 mar 2021 a las 13:43, Tixy (<t...@yxit.co.uk>) escribió:
> I would suggest that the automatically inserted Spanish version is fine
> and shouldn't be edited. There comes a point where the inconvenience to
> the person sending the message outweighs the trivial benefits to the
> person receiving it.


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