On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 12:44:49AM -0600, Ed Redd wrote:
> Please post the General Public license at the bottom of the page? I
> scripted my name on the license April 12 2020 and Debianized a package
> manager. Now theyre trying to cover it up with a bullshit license


Can you please be a little more specific: which package are you referring to?
* as a specifier is a bit too generic, I'm afraid.

You don't have to "sign" the GPL - in fact, the GPl version 2 explicitly says 
that you are not obliged to accept it but you are obliged to abide by it if 
you modify code and distribute the modifications.

Which package manager did you Debianise? 

Who is "they" and what exactly are they trying to cover up?

All the very best,

Andy C.

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