> AFAICT, for video, that just records the screen. I do that with
> Shift-Alt-F12 start, Shift-Alt-F11 stop (fvwm bindings to customised
> ffmpeg commands). But the disadvantages of that method (it gets
> polluted by all sorts of screen clutter, it's uses up CPU, you're
> recording a resampled image) is precisely why I steal from the
> browser's cache. The image is at the original resolution, it's as
> clean as when it arrives from the site, it just copies files with
> cp, so it doesn't load the CPU.

Indeed, I wish I could just use a "dumb-client" for Jitsi which just
dumps the data it receives with proper meta-info to keep things in sync,
that would avoid the uncompress+recompress of video which is too
taxing CPU-wise for my older machines.

> But I've still no idea of what this new, cache-less technology is
> that browsers play.

I'd expect they simply skip the "save to disk" part and use an in-memory
buffer instead, which is probably simpler and arguably more efficient
(as long as that buffer doesn't grow too large).


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