My previous message was meant for another list.  Apology for the 

I've set aside the instructions for qemu.  Trying to understand how a 
tap device is created.  "man ip" has minimal explanation of "ip tuntap".
prompts this.

peter@joule:/home/peter$ sudo ip tuntap add mode tap tap0
[sudo] password for peter:
open: No such file or directory

peter@joule:/home/peter$ ls -ld /dev/tu*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Mar 13 07:34 /dev/tun -> /dev/net/tun

Can anyone succeed to create a tap device using ip in Debian 10?

Thx,            ... P.

cell: +1 236 464 1479            Bcc: peter at easthope. ca
VoIP: +1 604 670 0140

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