On 3/13/21 1:17 PM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
Unfortunately the way Facebook gained it's huge user base was by creepy
stalking of people in any way it could, in order to get them to sign up,
which is exactly why a privacy respecting social network will have a
tough time to compete.

Not even remotely to the extent that LinkedIn did. There was a time when hardly a month went by, that I didn't get at least one piece of LinkedIn spam, all from new users' email address books being mined for contact info.

And Mr. Gibbs, RIGHT ON! And I, too, carry a clamshell. A fairly new one (my old one was falling apart from age, and on my first vacation in Canada, it turned into a paperweight from the moment my bus crossed the border into British Columbia to the moment my flight out of Toronto landed in Boston). Its browser is barely sophisticated enough for rudimentary web browsing and checking my email. And I like it that way.

But I tried DDG last week, and it appeared incapable of helping Boy Scout find a candy store.

James H. H. Lampert
Professional Dilettante

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