On 18.03.2021 18:16, Robbi Nespu wrote:

While doing my homework using  LibreOffice, suddenly it crash and hung.
then I execute "glance" to check system status but the program crash with debut log said my /tmp not available...

that so weird. I execute df -h and my drive are there. "ls /tmp" also work but writing anything not working, then I realize my system file become read only!

I reboot the computer and saw the reboot process said "ignoring read-only"..when the computer boot-up, all I see is a black terminal said " fsck error on boot: /dev/sda1: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY"

I execute "fsck -fy /dev/sda1" and it say fixing the issue.

What happen actully? Are my hdd suddenly got issue? I installed debian using netinst with standard utilities only and install "kde-plasma-desktop plasma-nm", as I want minimal KDE on my linux box.

I worried I might missing some package for hdd and sdd maintainance (coz I doing minimal install previously)

Question: Can you suggest what package should I install?

Note : Linux installed on sdb (ext4) and sda is a NTFS file system and

I don't want my SSD or HDD died suddenly
Partitions mounted with 'errors=remount-ro' option will be remounted as read-only automatically, if a kernel detects an error. I suggest you to dig a little deeper, because there is a possibility a hardware problem is the source of inconsistency error. You need to provide us with more information about your OS setup and hardware.
Output from these commands should be a good start:
    $ cat /etc/fstab
    $ sudo blkid
    $ sudo smartctl -iHA /dev/sda
    $ sudo smartctl -iHA /dev/sdb

"smartctl" is a tool from "smartmontools" package.
The output will be long, so you can post it at "https://paste.debian.net/"; with reasonable expiration date and send us just a link to it.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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