On Sun 28 Mar 2021 at 19:46:07 (+0200), l0f...@tuta.io wrote:
> By the way, what is image-5.10.0-0.bpo.4* serie for?Is it only related to 
> "Change ABI number to 0.bpo.4"? Do I need that?

I guess you have to read the changes file to find that out.
might be of use here.

> 23 mars 2021, 17:45 de deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk:
> > But the OP is, perhaps, relying on the upgrade mechanism provided by
> > the linux-image-amd64 metapackage. However, that's supporting only
> > the signed versions, and buster-backports doesn't (yet) have any
> > 5.10.19 signed versions:
> >
> So you think that's the correct answer (no update because the package is not 
> ready yet)?
> If so, I'll simply wait for it. I just wanted to make sure my conf is OK (and 
> obviously it wasn't configured in such a way to get the latest kernel 
> versions from backports)...

That would depend on there being one.

On Mon 29 Mar 2021 at 01:09:25 (+0200), l0f...@tuta.io wrote:
> 22 mars 2021, 01:12 de wea...@riseup.net:
> > You may be looking at the unsigned version and may have to wait 24 hours
> > for the signed one to come through the repositories, if that's what you
> > are running.
> >
> Thanks for your message but 24 hours don't seem to be enough here...
> Maybe there are some issues experienced by the maintainer?
> Is there an easy way to see that?
> With what everyone says so far, I have the feeling that 5.10.19-1~bpo10+1 is 
> indicated as available via backports but not for every flavours. Everybody is 
> not in the same boat ;)
> I have no problem with that but maybe this subtlety could be stated more 
> explicitely somewhere? Just a suggestion so one doesn't have to dig too much 
> to understand that...

Perhaps it's worth subscribing to debian-backports-changes and
debian-backports. You can post to the latter.


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