On 4/3/21 8:26 AM, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
On Friday, April 02, 2021 01:11:01 AM Susmita/Rajib wrote:
Thank you, Dr./Mr. Kramer, for taking time to post your kind inputs.
To me, the best possible option would be an organisationally hosted
wiki site with strict posting guidelines, and pages as described.
Just a followup:

I wasn't aware (until very recently when I saw it mentioned by somebody else
in this thread, iirc) that there is a Debian wiki.

I've done a verly little investigation into that, but could share more of that
information if you'd like.  Some tidbits:

    * the wiki is at https://wiki.debian.org/

    * there is a sandbox at https://wiki.debian.org/WikiSandBox -- it is not
quite what I am used to as a sandbox as it recommends against creating new
pages (other than ones that would include new content)

    * you can see a list of (some of?) the exising pages at

    * I get the idea that, at least to a certain extent, some of the people
contributing to it want to organize things (at a high level) based on Debian
distribution, e.g., Jessie, Stretch, Buster

I would like to see the content well organized an focused as well -- I can
envisage the need to label the content of pages with notes (metadata?) that
indicate which Debian distribution the note(s) apply to, maybe which
distribution it became effective with, as well as which distribution it became
obsolete with (all of which on an "if known" basis.  I can also see the need
for some similar metadata that is "orthogonal" to that -- for example, things
like which desktop they apply to (KDE, GNOME, ...) or whether it applies to X
windows or Wayland, but then that information also needs to designate which
Debian distributions it applies to.

Yes, it needs some expert help.
I use the Wiki frequently. I don't have much luck searching from within but
with Google it's pretty good.
Example: search "Debian Wiki fstab"
That I am sure will get some good info, Debian specific

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