Le 06/04/2021 à 22:39, deloptes a écrit :
Erwan David wrote:


I have a machine with a working bond0 interface

Not clear what debian your machine is running

It's a debian10

In my /etc/network/interfaces I have a configuration for a vlan

auto bond0.4011

At boot, interface bond0.4011 is created and immediately renamed rename12.

How Am I a supposed to have this working ?

I would suggest you read this and update your setup accordingly


That's not bridge, that's bonding I follow the example on https://wiki.debian.org/Bonding#Configuration_-_Example_4_-_.28very_complex_server_setup.29__with_LACP_Bonded_trunk_and_VLANs_split_out_of_the_trunk.2C_different_MTU.27s_on_the_VLANs except the MTU part which I keep the same on bond0 and vlan interface

Is it a bug in ifrename ?

if you refer to something like this here
IMO it means youare living in the past

I am in the present and the present does not work. That's the problem. A logical interface defined and configured in /etc/network/interfaces should keep the name defined in the config file and be configured according to the configuration.

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